*Great conversations during Monday's PD day regarding our students' progress, what is working, what isn't working and problem solving new strategies for the students that haven't made the gains we had expected yet. It is amazing to see all of the growth that we do have to celebrate up on the wall in the work room!
*Teachers having individual conversations with students about their report cards, their progress and their goals.
*For a quick vocabulary practice/review as the teacher displayed different engaging pictures on the smartboard, students used the vocabulary words in sentences to describe the picture.
*Student choice for their end of unit project to culminate their learning.
Events Next Week: our annual "Souper Bowl" is taking place. While we don't get to cheer for the Packers, we can help donate food for the Gathering Source.
Monday - EP Training 3:15 in distance learning room (on Documentation Log)
-IMC closed all day due to the training taking place along with other districts (I will also be in this)
Wednesday - Space Station Conservation play (sponsored by Juneau Electric. 9:00 for grades K-2, 9:30 for grades 3-5 in the elementary gym.
Thursday - I will be out of the building at a training for the Forward exam
Friday - Wear Red day
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Could you take a moment to share a podcast that you've listened to in this padlet: Podcast Share. I know you each got to share with your small group on Monday, but here's a great way to find even more possibilities for ongoing learning (or for entertainment).
*If you would like to access classroom activities to go along with the Space Station Conservation play:
1. Go to NTCplayworks.com
2. Select Wisconsin
3. Click on the Space Station Conservation logo.
Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*The Grading Conversation We Need to Have
*Growing Toward Independence - how to help the student doesn't read independently during Daily 5.