*5th graders reviewing making connections (text-world, text-self, text-text) using Into the Book.

*In another math lesson, 2nd graders were using actions to show what parallel and intersecting lines were. Not only did they cross their arms for intersecting, but they also shouted "HieYaw" like a Ninja (I have NO idea how to spell HieYaw but will never forget that action!)
*Several different classes transitioning with a "brain break." While it's important to increase students' stamina for paying attention to a lesson and focusing during independent work, if they're sitting too long, you're asking for trouble. Great teachers are observant and know when to switch gears and get them moving. If you need ideas for Brain Breaks you can go HERE, HERE or HERE.
Events this week:
*Just an FYI that I will be in my office quite a bit to proctor part of the ACCESS test this week.
Monday - District Calendar Committee Meeting

Wednesday - Digital Learning Day
- MS/HS has a varied schedule today, causing our lunches to be a few minutes shorter.
K-2 lunch will end at 11:48; 3-5 lunch will end at 12:27
Friday - 2nd Quarter Dodgeland Pride Assembly at 2:00 in the gym
National WEAR RED DAY for the American Heart Association
Data Day meetings start next week!
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Please make sure to submit any tech issues to the Tech Help Desk, even if you email or call. This helps Brad and Mark keep track of issues easier and allows them to run reports to see what kinds of tech issues continue to come up and see where they are spending their time.
*When should you introduce new CAFE strategies? If you don't already receive the Daily 5 Tip of the Week, make sure you go HERE to read their response to this question last week. If you're not already receiving this in your email you can also subscribe to it at that link (on the top right side of the page).
If you listen to podcasts, you can download their tip of the week on iTunes now instead of having to read it (great for the car ride to work!)
Tech Tips:
*Not a tech tip, but a few great websites:
Helping Struggling Readers
http://www.wordle.net/ (this is how I created those "word clouds" for our last meeting)
38 Interesting ways to use Wordle in the classroom