
Nov 3, 2013

Monday Musings - November 4, 2013

As I started reading through/approving SLO forms this weekend I couldn't help but be amazed by the incredible work  that you all are doing with our students (don't worry, I haven't gotten through all of them yet, so don't feel bad if I didn't approve yours yet).  I am impressed with the degree of reflection and analysis that has gone into selecting a goal and what efforts are planned to help ALL students achieve these goals.  What's even more, it is great to see the level of collaboration that is occurring in grade levels to learn new strategies from each other and to help each others' students succeed through WIN.  You are creating a safety net for our students to make sure that each and every child achieves to their best abilities.  As I think about the work you are doing, it reminds me of what I have read about in the book Whatever It Takes by DuFour, et al.  Here's what a principal from Adlahi Stevenson High School was quoted in saying:
"Students simply cannot fall through the cracks here.  
We have too many systems in place to monitor their academic progress and 
general well-being and too many concerned adults involved in the 
implementation of those systems." 
~Dan Galloway, Principal, Adlahi Stevenson High School

You are all doing that amazing work we read about in PLC and RtI books; it is incredible to be at a school seeing it in action to benefit ALL students. Thank you for all your hard work!

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