An upcoming date I forgot on the Friday Focus is:
Tuesday, Jan 14th Department of Justice presentation on "NetSmartz." 10:00 3-5th grades, 10:45 K-2nd grades
Monday Musings -Reading Resolutions
You all do such a great job of modeling yourselves as readers for students and sharing your "reading lives" with them. I see this as you talk about yourselves as readers in mini-lessons, share with students what you're reading, have books posted on your door, etc. To continue sharing my "reading life" with you, here are my reading resolutions:1. Use Goodreads to track my reading. I have used it all year and love using Goodreads. I have found that I get many new book ideas added to my list, thanks to those that I follow on Goodreads that have similar book interests.
2. Have family “Read-to-Self” time with my kids. With sports schedules, I haven't been as faithful to this as I would like. We read together everyday, but not as "read to self." I also realize that I often don't, because I don't trust that my son is reading. We just had a conversation about this and just as teachers need to extend that trust to their students that they are reading, I need to do the same at home with my own child!
3. Read 1 professional book a month I wasn't faithful to finishing one each month, but I did read 12 total this year.
4. Read 280 books. In this goal, 55 were to be for novels, professional books and kids' chapter books. I hit 51, which is pretty darn close and I am almost certain that number would have been much lower if I hadn't made a goal at all (that's why goals are good to have!). As for the rest adding up to 280 for picture books. I don't know. I wasn't faithful to adding books into Goodreads, because I would often read those books to my kids at bedtime, doze off and forget to put them in. I'm not going to put pressure/guilt on myself about recording these this year.
I liked these goals last year and am going to basically stick with them again:
2014 Reading Resolutions
1. Read 55 books (not including picture books) 2. Read one professional book a month 3. Have family "Read to Self" time
2014 Reading Challenge
Jessica has
read 0 books toward her goal of 55 books.
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