
Mar 13, 2014

Friday Focus - March 14, 2014

Happy Pi Day!

Great Things I Noticed this Week:

  • A teacher checked in the boys bathroom, concerned about how many were in there at once and found them...all huddled around a book reading together! (Don't worry, it wasn't what I thought either, it was a completely appropriate book to be reading!)
  • Students working on a research project with the choice of how to demonstrate their learning (poster, iMovie, Keynote, Puppet Pals, etc.)
  • A Daily 5 mini-lesson focusing on Main Idea. The teacher pulled out the book that was the previous day's read-aloud (so this lesson would be brief), modeled how to use a Main Idea graphic organizer and then gave students a quick opportunity to try the Main Idea graphic organizer on their current book club book. 
  • Another spin on Clock Partners: Continent Partners (maps of all continents with their assigned partners kept at their desk to add organized variety to partner work).
  • Thank you for all the positive messages on yesterday's big surprise.  I'm so honored to be a part of this incredible school.  You all are the best!!

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*I will be sending out an email by Monday that will include further details on the student bus rules video contest. The email will have a link to a video to show your students sometime in your classrooms. I will also put handouts in your mailboxes to share with those interested in participating.  Thank you in advance for sharing this information with your students.

Events Next Week:
Monday - I will be out of the building in the morning for the DART Principals meeting to plan the Summer Regional Teacher Academy.
Tuesday - Art Show 4:00-6:00 PM (please remind students not to have anything out of their lockers before they leave)

"Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!"
*Math and Mystery Number Skypes
* Mar 10 Struggling is part of our classroom culture. My students know that it is an expectation that we fail & learn all day long!

All about Post-Its in Reading HERE

1 comment:

  1. Record your memos in few simple steps, Record and Store memos dictated from any phone, All memos will be recorded and viewed on your account web portal.
