Jan 26, 2018
Friday Focus, January 26, 2018
Well, I didn't get to be in classrooms much this week, but I have to say it was great to see many of you start out Monday with class community building activities. I was impressed to see one of the things you learned from Friday's PD day implemented on your first day back after our students had been out of school for 3 days, or as Greg said, for the "Significant 72." Here's the post he mentioned in his keynote: Significant 72
Events Next Week:
Wednesday - Theater performance (Treasure Trove of Conservation Cove) in the multi-purpose room K-2: 10:00-10:30, 3/4: 10:45-11:15
EP Training 3:15 (Mid-Year SLO/2nd surveys)
Friday - National Wear Red Day
2nd Qtr Pride Assembly 2:30
Nuts & Bolts:
I just want to share again, our Professional Learning goals:
Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*A Teacher's Regret
*Push, Don't Pity Students in Poverty
Jan 19, 2018
Friday Focus - January 19, 2018
Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Students excited about their MAP growth...I'm always amazed about how many students excitedly tell me this news during lunch or in the hallways. You have done incredible work to develop their growth mindset and pride in their hard work!
*2nd graders over the top excited to show me their published "how to" books! They pointed out their features like table of contents, bold words and the glossary. They are such experts!
*You might not believe this, but I had 3 students tell me while waiting on parking lot duty after early dismissal that they wished they could stay at school, because it's more fun...and they wished we had school on Friday!!!
Events Next Week:
-I will be out of the building Monday afternoon-Tuesday to present at a conference
Wednesday - Report Cards to be distributed
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Please add your On a Roll recommendations to the Google Doc (this is in the elementary team drive if you forget where to find it) and include a parent invitation for the Pride assembly when you send home report cards.
*3-5th grade teachers - please send home invitations for students that make Honor Roll. Just as 1st quarter, you do NOT have to add them to a google doc. I will go through report cards to make the certificates and save you that extra step.
*If you have anything to share in the February newsletter, please get it to me by Friday. Even just pictures/blurbs are great to highlight the awesome work happening in your classroom!
Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*Not a blog post this week, but the question...What if a student's behavior turned out to be their greatest gift in life? Another principal I'm connected with shared this and I LOVE this question!
Just what if...What if the behaviors we try and change are the same behaviors we admire and encourage in adults?
Take a look at the video and be inspired: Be a Mr. Jensen
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Pat on the back...let them write kind things about each other or a reward for a job well done! |
Jan 12, 2018
Friday Focus - January 12, 2018
Great Things I Noticed this Week:
Unfortunately, this has been one of those weeks that I didn't get into classrooms (with covering the front office and my absences), but I know I missed out on great learning happening. Just like our parents, I still got to see some glimpses into your classrooms through your class Facebook and Class Dojo posts. Never give up an opportunity to share the great things happening in your classroom!
Upcoming Events:
Today - Finals Geography Bee for 4-8th grade. We will NOT be having celebration announcements at the end of the day due to this event. So please take time in your class to reflect and celebrate together---go ahead and pick your favorite class song to dance to! : )
Thursday - last day of the quarter, Early Dismissal, no AM recess, Lunch is 11:00-11:30/11:30-12:00.
Friday - PD Day - Please see the agenda sent out by Dr. Thompson. This should be a great day of learning! : )
Monday, Jan 22 - grades due by 7:30am
Wednesday, Jan 24 - report cards distributed
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*The Friday Celebration schedule has been updated (if you haven't gone yet, you've been pushed back on the schedule). After March 9th we will be in need of more classes signed up to finish out the year. You can sign up in the google doc HERE (which is in the team drive).
*Reminders for report cards...as always, there should be no major surprises for parents. If you've got a student with sliding grades, please call home to discuss. In Powerschool--no blank grades or *asterisk*. Instead use P (pass), because it generates errors.
Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*I just finished reading the book Fostering Resilient Learners and absolutely loved it. Our students from trauma seem to increase everyday and this just helps build your toolbox for the mental health needs in the classroom. This blog post gives a good summary of the book: Foster Resilient Learners, a Must Read . If you'd like to borrow my copy, just let me know.
Unfortunately, this has been one of those weeks that I didn't get into classrooms (with covering the front office and my absences), but I know I missed out on great learning happening. Just like our parents, I still got to see some glimpses into your classrooms through your class Facebook and Class Dojo posts. Never give up an opportunity to share the great things happening in your classroom!
Upcoming Events:
Today - Finals Geography Bee for 4-8th grade. We will NOT be having celebration announcements at the end of the day due to this event. So please take time in your class to reflect and celebrate together---go ahead and pick your favorite class song to dance to! : )
Thursday - last day of the quarter, Early Dismissal, no AM recess, Lunch is 11:00-11:30/11:30-12:00.
Friday - PD Day - Please see the agenda sent out by Dr. Thompson. This should be a great day of learning! : )
Monday, Jan 22 - grades due by 7:30am
Wednesday, Jan 24 - report cards distributed
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*The Friday Celebration schedule has been updated (if you haven't gone yet, you've been pushed back on the schedule). After March 9th we will be in need of more classes signed up to finish out the year. You can sign up in the google doc HERE (which is in the team drive).
*Reminders for report cards...as always, there should be no major surprises for parents. If you've got a student with sliding grades, please call home to discuss. In Powerschool--no blank grades or *asterisk*. Instead use P (pass), because it generates errors.
Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*I just finished reading the book Fostering Resilient Learners and absolutely loved it. Our students from trauma seem to increase everyday and this just helps build your toolbox for the mental health needs in the classroom. This blog post gives a good summary of the book: Foster Resilient Learners, a Must Read . If you'd like to borrow my copy, just let me know.
Jan 5, 2018
Friday Focus - January 5, 2018
Great Things I Noticed this Week:
- 1st graders reading non-fiction books, stopping to record key terms on to post-it notes that they recognized as important about their topic to become an expert on.
- 2nd graders reading non-fiction books, stopping to record important details to highlight about their topic as they prepare to be a an expert "museum guide" to share what they know about that topic and to make it interesting for those that will tour their museum (in their classroom!).
- Students in multiple classrooms creating academic, social and personal goals for 2018 to finish the year strong.
- Many students who were SO excited to be back in school, because they know this is a safe place with people who care about them! (Yes, I also noticed some who struggled, because we know this is the only place where there are expectations and structure placed on them, but together, we will work to get them back on track with success!)
Events Next Week:
Wednesday - I will announce students of the month (please add your students to the google doc)
MAP testing window is January 9-26th. I'll send out a specific MAP reminders email with details.
A future event to add to your calendar- Wednesday, Jan 31st Energy Conservation Theater performance (K-3 10:00-10:30, 4/5 10:45-11:15)
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Reading Logs follow-up - thank you again for your discussion this week. In our DES Staff team drive I created a folder called "Lucy Literacy-idea share for assessing students." Within that folder is one document started just to share any ideas (and please do!), but you can also add any documents to that folder as well. As I stated in our meeting, I think this is just the beginning of many future discussions at grade levels and whole staff about how we are assessing and determining where are readers are. I know that as you read Lucy it can be overwhelming, but remember that it is mean to be a source for professional learning for you to build your toolbox of literacy wisdom and help guide you in your decision making as you decide not only how to teach your mini-lessons, but also to differentiate and meet your readers' needs individually and in small groups.
Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*This was already in the packet shared with you at our meeting, but here's the online post: Reading Logs are Valuable Tools.
Jan 2, 2018
Welcome Back!!!
Welcome back! My hope is that you all had a wonderful holiday vacation filled with relaxation and family time...you all deserve it!
I just wanted to share a quick memo in case my Friday Focus post before break got lost in all the Christmas cookies...
Events this Week: 3 more weeks of 2nd quarter!
Tuesday, Jan 2nd - back at it!
Wednesday, Jan 3rd - Elementary staff meeting 3:10
"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Tomorrow's staff meeting agenda will be follow up to our Lucy Literacy discussions on our last PD Day. Please feel free to bring a device.
*Get your extra brain breaks/yoga ready to go, because I think we're in for a stretch of indoor recesses!
*Notes from the PBIS committee (this was in Mr. Lange's email):
Winter Attire Expectations:
K-2: snow pants / boots for wood chips and grass; blacktop if they only have shoes.
3-5: snow pants and boots for grass; boots for wood chips; blacktop if they only have shoes.
Character Trait:
We will close out this month's character trait of "Kindness". Thanks for supporting this. Next month's trait will be "Being Safe". Looking forward to February, some staff suggested "Compassion" as our trait along with a possible class door decorating contest. More detail to follow....
Trojan Trail:
The Trojan Trail is closed for the season. We now have kids not wearing boots outside so they don't have to run :(
Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*Great blog post by George Couros: People Shape Culture
*Reading Resolutions (I'll share with you that personally, I did not make my reading goal this year, but I've renewed my reading resolution this year to read 45 books!)
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