
Jan 2, 2018

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back! My hope is that you all had a wonderful holiday vacation filled with relaxation and family all deserve it!

I just wanted to share a quick memo in case my Friday Focus post before break got lost in all the Christmas cookies...

Events this Week: 3 more weeks of 2nd quarter!
Tuesday, Jan 2nd - back at it! 
Wednesday, Jan 3rd - Elementary staff meeting 3:10

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Tomorrow's staff meeting agenda will be follow up to our Lucy Literacy discussions on our last PD Day.  Please feel free to bring a device. 

*Get your extra brain breaks/yoga ready to go, because I think we're in for a stretch of indoor recesses!

*Keep in mind that as you come back from break you may need to treat the first days back just like the first days of school; reviewing expectations, practicing routines, class community building, etc.

*Notes from the PBIS committee (this was in Mr. Lange's email):
Winter Attire Expectations:
K-2: snow pants / boots for wood chips and grass; blacktop if they only have shoes.
3-5: snow pants and boots for grass; boots for wood chips; blacktop if they only have shoes.

Character Trait:
We will close out this month's character trait of "Kindness".  Thanks for supporting this.  Next month's trait will be "Being Safe".  Looking forward to February, some staff suggested "Compassion" as our trait along with a possible class door decorating contest.  More detail to follow....

Trojan Trail:
The Trojan Trail is closed for the season.  We now have kids not wearing boots outside so they don't have to run :(

Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*Great blog post by George Couros: People Shape Culture
*Reading Resolutions (I'll share with you that personally, I did not make my reading goal this year, but I've renewed my reading resolution this year to read 45 books!)

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