
Feb 23, 2018

Friday Focus - February 23. 2018

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Our avid readers in kindergarten were so excited to share their books with one another. This was just a quick minute during a reading lesson so the lesson was kept mini. Their excitement for reading was evident!
*Students recording themselves reading and then wrote a reflection on their accuracy and fluency.
*3rd graders focused for 40 minutes as they read each others' fairy tales in a carousel walk. They not only took time to read every one, but left positive compliments and feedback. And some of their fairy tales were absolutely hilarious!!!  I'm sure you can see why I was personally entertained...

Events Next Week: Read Across America Week and Digital Learning Week!!!
*Remember - students should carry a book with them at all times to be prepared for the reading blizzards, but only you know when it's going to happen.

Monday - Hat Day
12:45 reading blizzard

Tuesday - Wear a Shirt You can Read
10:05 reading blizzard

Wednesday - Crazy Socks
11:00 reading blizzard

Thursday - Pajama Day
2:00 reading blizzard
6-7:00pm Snuggle up with a Good Book family night

Friday - Vocabulary dress up day
8:10 reading blizzard

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Make sure to sign up for a day/time for a Tech Ninja to come to your class next week to teach a 30 minute coding lesson (see Ms. Abegglen's email for the google doc).
*Please get your student of the month names in by March 2nd.

Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*Add Coding to Your Elementary Curriculum...Right Now
*Do you find yourself struggling with balance? It's definitely something I've been working on for years! I came across an article about a Teacher of the Year that ended up in rehab, although his transformation led to publishing the book, The Balanced Teacher Path to help others. I don't usually promote my own work here at school, so if you didn't know, I co-host a podcast called the PrincipalPLN podcast and we recently had the author on the podcast. If you're seeking balance, then I think you'll enjoy the podcast: Justin Ashley

Need an idea for your Vocabulary Dress Up word??
Just think of how many new words our learners will gain on Friday!!!

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