
Feb 15, 2019

Friday Focus - February 15, 2019

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*Everyone working hard to get kids back into the routine of learning after snow day #7, continuing to make every moment with our students precious time!
*Teachers starting out P/T conferences by sharing strengths of students, before getting into the concerns. I also heard several teachers share words of appreciation to parents for their support of their child...what a great way to make sure parents leave with a positive feeling.
*Despite a snow day for a short week, Thursday was a LONG day, but many of you made it fun. I heard many encouraging words from staff to one another to keep it a positive day. You all set the tone and you are what makes this place awesome!

Events Next Week:
Monday - Presidents Day Professional Development -remember the bus leaves Dodgeland by 7am. Happy learning to you all!!!
Tuesday - Mid-Qtr -time to send home progress reports if you didn't already share at conferences
Wednesday - Workout Wednesday
-Staff mtg for all certified/support staff at 3:15. See agenda below
Thursday - I will be out of the building with the admin team at a leadership training (I'm looking forward to reflecting on your feedback on the staff engagement survey!)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Wednesday staff meeting - This will be the first "dose" of several during our staff meeting time together on trauma invested practices to help fill your toolbox.  You do NOT need to bring a device...just a writing utensil and your upstairs brain. :)  You will need to sign in so we can keep track as part of our DOJ school safety grant.
*Look for Ms. Ganser's video next week about Random Acts of Kindness week.
*Do you have a student that you would like to nominate for Governor Ever's Star Student program?  If so, go to:

Blogs, Tweets, & Pins...Oh My!!!
*In case you missed it in the email from Ted Neitze, his most recent podcast is on Teachers as Superheros, which I think you will all enjoy! You can find it HERE or use your podcast app.

You can read about student data folders HERE

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