
Feb 12, 2016

Friday Focus - February 12, 2015

Some of you have heard how I feel about the month of February...I often get the "drearies" at this point of the year. With winter not ending/Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms, being stuck inside and everything else, February can be a difficult month for a lot of people.  When I get the "drearies", I start to think about those things which are my passions.  Reading, writing and running come to mind.  But my greatest passion, outside of my family, is our school, the students and staff that I get to be with every day.  Even on my worst day, the days full of time away from kids, I know that as soon as that meeting is done, I can stop into a classroom and get re-energized.  Dodgeland is the driving force behind me trying to do and be my best everyday.  And sometimes I might fall short, but tomorrow provides another chance.  My passions are driven by the students, you, and my PLN (face to face, Twitter, and Voxer) as you all challenge me daily to be better.  

Events Next Week:
Monday - No School/Professional Development Day (buses leave by 7:30 to go to Mayville for DARTCamp...bring a device!).

Wednesday - Workout Wednesday

Friday - Staff Social Lunch (4K/5K)

*Future date: Friday, Feb 26 at 1:00pm Kohl's Wild Theater performance

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Just a reminder: Our Feb 15th PD day afternoon will focus on writing and I would like us to start out by celebrations. I've heard many great stories about specific students making progress, a catchy lead to start out a piece, a great comparison in the writing, etc.  Please be on the look out next week for specific pieces of writing that give you cause to celebrate so that you can bring an example to our meeting on that day. 

*As you're scheduling your P/T conferences, please let me know if you want me to be present for any. My schedule is already filling up.
If you have any students that you have concerns regarding possible retention and I'm not already aware if them, please let me know so we can start the SIT process. 

*If you're looking for additional resources to help nurture your students' growth mindset, Class Dojo has made some great video clips to help with this: Growth Mindset Episode 1   Episode 2  Episode 3  Episode 4

Blogs, Tweets & Pins....Oh My!!!
*5 Big Themes for 2016 iPad Learning
*How Showing and Telling Kids 'I Believe in You' Can Empower Them at School

Engage kids when they hit the doorway. Don't lose valuable instructional time.

If we teach our students emotional learning and self control.....They can master absolutely anything!

Engage kids when they hit the doorway. Don't lose valuable instructional time. 13 hours agoEngage kids when they hit the doorway. Don't lose valuable instructional time.

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