
May 8, 2014

Friday Focus - May 9, 2014

Events Next Week:
Monday - Elementary Staff Meeting 3:05 in IMC
Tuesday -Tech Tuesday (see "Nuts & Bolts") 3:05 in IMC
Wednesday - "Whatcha do with Technology" Wednesday 3:05 in IMC (repeat of Tuesday)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Monday's staff meeting will be time for us all to be in the same room (IMC) to create class lists for next year.  This allows for the additional input from special ed/specials teachers as we determine class groupings. 
*The "Tech Tuesday" and "Watcha do with Technology" Wednesday (we had to have alliteration in the name!) will both be the same session that is optional and you are welcome to come to both if you would like.  The topic will be on the basics of using Google Drive (creating/sharing docs, using folders, how to have students share documents with you, how to comment on student documents, how to create a google form/survey for students to complete for you).  Please make sure that you can login before coming (ask Brad/Mark if you can't login). 
Why should you learn about Google Drive? Because next year our students will no longer have an H drive to save their files to in the computer lab and Google Drive will allow students/you to collaborate and allow them to work from home. 
*Please let me know when you (and your 3-5th grade students) have completed the Clarity survey. I can re-email the links/QR codes if you need to get them. 

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