
Sep 22, 2017

Friday Focus - September 22, 2017

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*A mini lesson on retelling a story and then students practiced retelling a different story in partners.
*Students focused on reading, stopping to jot down big ideas and details while referring to their "readers thinking marks" chart.
*Students practicing math facts cards in partners with a timed routine so they each took 2 minutes, switched, then got right back to the class math lesson.
*Students recording videos of songs they created for digital citizenship (can't you just hear the song "SpamBusters" to the tune of Ghostbusters?!)
*Students presenting their comic strips to teach lessons learned in digital citizenship.

Events Next Week:
Monday - 3:15 EP Training in IMC (PPG, SLO, Surveys)
Tuesday - I will be out of the building for a training
Wednesday - 4th grade data mtg
Thursday - Packer Attire day (ok Bears/Vikings fans, you're allowed to participate too!)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*All staff: please remember to move, scan and interact on recess duty. If you're all chatting in a huddle, then there's a lot of ground for Mr. Lange to cover in supervising. He's close to superman, but he can't see them all! ; )
*The October calendar/newsletter goes home next Tuesday. Even if you didn't sign up for an article, please let me know (SOON!) if you have anything that can add to it to show the great things happening at Dodgeland! This could even just be a picture with a sentence about it.

Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*Creating a Growth Mindset in Your Students

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