
Aug 10, 2012

Friday Focus - August 10

I know I haven't shared a Friday Focus post with you all summer, but I thought I'd start again to share my reflections from the Regional Summer Teacher Academy (but I'm not promising I'll get one posted the rest of the summer!).

I was amazed at the amount of teachers that gathered for our Regional Summer Teacher Academy to network and continue learning in August.  Our students are so fortunate to have such committed teachers!  Our Dodgeland teachers represented well at the academy in attendance and in sharing great ideas for literacy, standards based teaching an learning, and technology.

This year we had Hal Urban as our keynote speaker.  It was great to hear Hal speak after having read his book, Lessons from the Classroom.  For his keynote session, Hal spoke about "Positive Words, Powerful Results."  What a perfect message as we move into the year with our theme of "Bucket Filling."  Here are some of the powerful quotes I enjoyed from his session:

"We often underestimate the power of our words."

"Kind words cost little, but accomplish much."

"We live in an ocean of words, but like the fish in water we are often not aware of it." ~Stuart Chase

"Words have the power to destroy or heal.  When words are both true and kind, they can change our world." ~Buddha

"Words are choices."

"A careless word may kindle strive, a cruel word may wreck a life, a timely word may level stress, a loving word may heal and bless." ~Unknown

As I listened to Hal speak, I recalled the following quote (found on Pinterest, of course!):

As I reflect on his message and this quote, I can't help but think of how truly important we are in our students' lives and the impact we have on them just in how we talk to them!

If you attended Hal's session and want to add your thoughts/reflections, feel free to add your comment (you'll have to go to the actual blog site: and click on comment).

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