
Oct 9, 2015

Friday Focus - Oct 9

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*During an independent math work time a 5th grader blurted out "Yeah! I love cross-multiplying!" I'm not even kidding...that's what he said!
*A couple of teachers brainstorming together on a student behavior issue to help the child be more successful in the classroom.  It's this kind of dialogue and teamwork that helps us all be better for our students!
*A teacher sharing a piece of her own writing from her writers' notebook (that she had obviously put in a great deal of time to be able to grow herself as a writer and model a writerly life for her students).
*Students collaborating together in different groups (and together as a whole class) for a mystery skype session to figure out what city/state they were skyping with.
*A parent shared with me how much she appreciates seeing what her child is doing at school through the class Facebook page. She loves the teacher newsletters, but seeing pictures of the day show up in her Facebook feed help her with nightly conversations about "what did you do in school today?"

Events Next Week:
Wednesday - Grade Level Meetings (agenda below in Nuts & Bolts)
Friday - I'll be out of the building at CESA 6
 Staff Social Lunch (1st grade/Madsen)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Grade Level meetings agenda - Discussions on beginning of year MAP/F&P data and WIN. Please bring your data (to the data room).

*Please make sure that you send home the parent letters from the common sense media digital citizenship lessons as you are teaching them.

*As part of Connected Educator month you can download the ASCD book Digital Learning Strategies by Michael Fischer for FREE HERE!

*Parent/Teacher Conferences are almost here. Please let me know if you want me to join you for any of your conferences, because my schedule is already filling up.

Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*Great resource: List of Mentor Texts for Writers Workshop
*When Does Level Matter? Being Efficient with Small Group Instruction
*Disappearing Pencil Woes
Some Rules We Need to Break In Our Reading Classrooms (Great post!)

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