
Sep 29, 2016

Friday Focus - September 30, 2016

Great Things I Noticed this Week:
*A class review of what they had learned in the digital citizenship unit with a game of jeapordy.
*Class lesson/discussion on empathy asking students to hold up their whiteboards to show how they felt about different scenarios. Here were their answer choices:
The class discussion emphasized that everyone responds to situations differently and then led into the role that this plays in digital citizenship...especially how people perceive written messages in different ways. 
*Students reviewing rounding as they moved around the room to round numbers and then self-checking with QR codes for immediate feedback. Way more fun than a review worksheet!
*Overheard by a group of students working on a project: "We're not ready yet...the power of yet, let's get it done!" That class has been learning all about growth mindset!

Events Next Week:
Monday - Elementary staff meeting 3:10-3:45 
 -MidQuarter (reports can be saved for P/T Conferences)
Tuesday - Fundraiser orders/$ are due
Wednesday - I plan to announce the September students of the month at 2:45pm. Please send your students down. (And get your name in if you haven't already!)

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes:
*Please let me know if you have any P/T conferences that you would like me to be a part of. 
*The Gathering Source is having a Fall Fest on Saturday, August 8 to raise continuing funds for the service they provide families in need.  Find out more about it HERE
*Monday's Staff Meeting agenda includes a growth mindset activity and looking at our school data. 

*Now that we are in full swing (it's already October next week!) I'm getting into classrooms as much as I can. I have several goals when I'm in classrooms and when I'm in your room it could vary:
-I may be there to check-in with a student (and hopefully prevent them from visiting me in the office!)
-I may not want to go back to the piles on my desk and would much rather hang out with kids! (FYI: if you're ever having a rough day, there's nothing like the random comments of 4K kiddos to make you laugh!)
-I may be staying to observe student learning and provide you with feedback. 

When I'm in your room and stay for a while with my iPad, there's a good chance you will receive an email or a mylearningplan form from me as a means of providing you with feedback. My narrative emails will often include "I noticed..." with what I see happening in the room and "I wonder..." or another reflective question. These are reflective questions that you can just ponder, reply or have a discussion with me. As I have shared each year, my goal is to be in your classrooms with a "coaching hat." I may pose a question to you that stretches your thinking that is not meant to be intrusive or evaluatory, but is a question to have you reflect on why you do what you do. When you are reflective and consciously aware of why you do what you do, you will continue to utilize effective strategies for students in your classroom. So, unless I specifically say, "I have a concern..." then you have nothing to be nervous about when I'm in your room. I am just in there wearing my "coaching hat."

If you ever feel you need more or different feedback, please don't hesitate to let me know what you need!

Blogs, Tweets & Pins...Oh My!!!
*We've been challenged with this tweet:
You can show your class the video made by this school at and type the password kind323you.

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