
Mar 23, 2018

Friday Focus - March 23, 2018

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this week!!!  You all have done so many things do inspire our students to dream big this week! I've seen college pennants, graduation caps, resumes, job applications, career goals and I believe we've had over 20 people speak to classes about their career/college journey. We even had one parent share their journey of NOT graduating from High School and told how hard it is to get a GED now to motivate the class to focus on graduating.  I have also heard kids having conversations with each other about their college/career goals in the hallways, at lunch and at recess.  Kids don't have these conversations on their own without being inspired and you all knocked it out of the park this week!!!

Upcoming Events:
Today: Last day of the quarter (Wow, that came fast!!)
2:30 State Run for middle school Forensics (this will also replace our typical Friday Celebration announcements)

Spring Break: Rest up! Seriously...I don't want to see any of you in the building. Enjoy the week, read a good book, go on vacation, relax! Rejuvenate for the final quarter sprint of the year!

Monday, April 2: 7:30 report card grades are due (remember, do not use * for grades).
Optional EP Documentation Log work session 3:15 in IMC

Wednesday, April 4 report cards to be distributed
Elementary Staff meeting 3:10

Friday, April 6 -If you'd like to support The Gathering Source, this evening is their "Spring to Action" Fundraiser at the Juneau Community Center. You can find the details for this event here:

"Nuts & Bolts" Notes: Make sure to add in time to your lesson plans/schedule for class community building. Remember Greg Wolcott's Signficant 72? "The foundation of every great classroom is build upon strong relationships."  
Even though they've been with you for 3 quarters now, I'm sure you know you'll still need to rehearse some procedures again, because they'll likely come back out of the routine and excited for spring.

For Recess, Mr. Lange and I ask of you to make sure to spread out/circulate on recess duty. Now that the piles of snow are gone, our students are spread out, so we need to also.  Move/Scan/Interact is always a good process to follow on duty to ensure active supervision and prevent any possible recess issues so they can all return to your classrooms calm and ready to learn.

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