
Oct 28, 2013

Monday Musings - October 28, 2013

Last week I had the opportunity to join in on several Parent/Teacher conferences with different teachers.  I have to say that in each one I was amazed by the time and thoughtfulness put into deciding what student work/data to share with parents, along with the descriptions of the students progress (both strengths and targets to work on), asking for  parent concerns/questions, and how the teacher is planning to help support any areas that the student is struggling with.  I didn't make it to a conference for every teacher, but I'm sure that you all shared similar great information with parents.  I appreciate the time and work that you all put into conferences; not only to share with parents how their students are doing, but also to build rapport with parents and to help them know how they can be involved and support their child at home.

Now that conferences are over with you can continue to promote parent involvement in a variety of ways: weekly newsletters (to share what is happening and give parents questions to ask their children about their learning), class facebook page, class web page,  Remind101, positive notes/phone calls home, etc.  Any work that you do to help inform and involve parents will help the success of their child in your class.

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