
Oct 7, 2013

Monday Musings - October 7, 2013

After spending a day with Todd Whitaker last week and then thinking about some of the tech-glitches that have been encountered this week it made me think about how Todd always says, "It's the people, not the programs" that make a school a great school.  He has a whole chapter devoted to this in What Great Teachers do Differently. 

We are so fortunate to be surrounded with technology to enhance student learning (and our own!), but we must always remember, it's the people that make it great, not the iPads themselves.  The technology will enhance learning if it goes along with great teaching.  You all are at different stages of integrating iPads into your lessons, but remember, it's not what you do, it's how you do it.  If you use the iPads all the time just because they are there, it might not enhance the learning.  Just as you did before, start with your curriculum/pedagogy and then look at how the technology could enhance the learning.

As you all search for ways to integrate iPads in your classrooms and not let tech glitches hinder/frustrate you, it made me recall that it is the people, not the programs that make us a great school!

This image just makes me think of you all...

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